taminsea: The place I call the Den, actually my family room!
taminsea: Some of my many utensils!
taminsea: Birthday Present to myself, Time for Tea!
taminsea: Our Lady of Chocolate Prayer Candle!
taminsea: Men Wanted Pillow!
taminsea: Cocoa's cute T-shirt, look Pappy!
taminsea: Some of my Utensils!
taminsea: Book Case! Need another!
taminsea: Kitchen shot!
taminsea: Leaf
taminsea: Cocoa & Baby
taminsea: Japanese Maple Tree
taminsea: Blue Sky with Cloud Swirl over my House!
taminsea: Blue Sky with Cloud Swirl Moving Over My House!
taminsea: Birthday Roses they were so beautiful.
taminsea: Waterford Crystal Pineapple Vase!
taminsea: Macintosh G5, PowerBook 17, two iPods, and an iPod mini
taminsea: Macro Macintosh!
taminsea: Macintosh G5, Macintosh Powerbook 17 inch, iPod Photo, iPod 40GB Click Wheel, iPod Mini!
taminsea: my bedroom