CheerC Photography: (7)_(NIKON_FM2)
CheerC Photography: 2009 Napa Valley @ Los Angeles
CheerC Photography: 2009 Oliver Tricon, Chablis 1er Cru "Montmains"
CheerC Photography: 2011 Books & The Liquor
CheerC Photography: C'est La Vie
CheerC Photography: Coffee Menu
CheerC Photography: Coffee Shop
CheerC Photography: Double Espresso
CheerC Photography: Drink Along
CheerC Photography: Expresso Coffee Machien
CheerC Photography: Friday Night
CheerC Photography: L'ATELIER DU VIN
CheerC Photography: The Night Bar
CheerC Photography: Today's Literary - Wine bottles
CheerC Photography: 可愛的咖啡粉小山丘
CheerC Photography: 周末的夜晚,讓自己保持著微醺吧!
CheerC Photography: 早安 Espresso (金杯咖啡)
CheerC Photography: 早安,今天來杯牛奶吧!
CheerC Photography: 深夜時分,今晚需要來一杯。
CheerC Photography: 美酒推薦 The Balvenie Aged 12 Years