cheekyboots: this duck was a different color than the others
cheekyboots: this flower was the most awesome shade of blue
cheekyboots: ducks amicably doing ducky things
cheekyboots: my favorite ducky shot yet!
cheekyboots: I thought this was a muskrat but my brother suggests it is probably a nutria and him being a wildlife biologist and all i think i'll go with that
cheekyboots: birds on fence
cheekyboots: duck butt
cheekyboots: duck with a mission
cheekyboots: another duck
cheekyboots: duck from above
cheekyboots: goose being tall
cheekyboots: some geese all decided to groom themselves
cheekyboots: This squirrel let me get so close I touched its tail!