AmandaCecc: IMG_0966 - getting closer!
AmandaCecc: IMG_0967 - Goodbye trusty Communauto car!
AmandaCecc: IMG_0970 - Things started out well enough . . .
AmandaCecc: IMG_0971 - Getting a bit more tricky . . .
AmandaCecc: IMG_0974 - pretty view
AmandaCecc: IMG_0977 - Super moon?
AmandaCecc: IMG_0978 - rise and shine!
AmandaCecc: IMG_0980 - byebye L'Entremont, won't be seeing you again for a long time (if ever!)
AmandaCecc: IMG_0983 - another pretty view
AmandaCecc: IMG_0985 - let's keep going!
AmandaCecc: IMG_0987 - "home" at last!