Checka: If you know that pushing the donkey's ears down causes a cigarette to emerge out of it's butt, then this shot would make sense. That said, this shot might be more amazing Not knowing that tidbit.
Checka: Total Ass Hat
Checka: Ladies in Hats
Checka: Have you heard about Kettlebell?
Checka: What hat?
Checka: Next time we are putting speakers on the hat
Checka: Stephanie Doolittle
Checka: It's actually sad that she can't grow that 'stache
Checka: Steph is wearing enough hat for both her and Laura
Checka: Aaron
Checka: Scott the Ass grabber
Checka: Scott the Ass biter
Checka: This is how you get a cigarette from an Ass's hole
Checka: The Dance Party
Checka: Vodka Infused
Checka: Double Eclipse
Checka: Uncles
Checka: Can you see the start of the eclipse?
Checka: Brooke wants to get back to the Molkky
Checka: Teepee shadows
Checka: Uncle Louie's Toss
Checka: Danny's Toss
Checka: Aftermath
Checka: The eclipse in my shadow
Checka: The leaves making hundreds of eclipses
Checka: Eclipse shadows
Checka: Grandma checking out the shadows
Checka: Heading to the roof
Checka: Brooke doing her thing