chdot: butterfly in Fife
chdot: log
chdot: Pome
chdot: Dundee
chdot: crossing to Dundee
chdot: view through a bridge
chdot: contrasts
chdot: don't make them like this anymore
chdot: castle?
chdot: leaving Fife
chdot: support
chdot: Birds on the wires
chdot: by the silvery Tay
chdot: Holiday cottage
chdot: a sing place
chdot: Bottomcraig
chdot: mixed cows
chdot: Bus
chdot: Drunken signs
chdot: Tay Bridge
chdot: curious
chdot: this way
chdot: damp track
chdot: track to Gauldry
chdot: open road
chdot: hazey
chdot: harvest
chdot: hills
chdot: Guardbridge
chdot: single track