chdot: Waiting for a bus
chdot: Hoy hidden
chdot: passing the City Chambers
chdot: flags
chdot: bus top interview
chdot: Lib Dem leader waits
chdot: flag seller
chdot: escort
chdot: 3 medals
chdot: waving
chdot: happiness
chdot: happy
chdot: more waving
chdot: pictures
chdot: Hoy joy
chdot: fist
chdot: waiting by the SP
chdot: upgrade
chdot: all ages
chdot: mass media interest
chdot: school's out
chdot: here they come
chdot: turning the corner
chdot: bike escort
chdot: save Meadowbank
chdot: thumbs up to the old school
chdot: old school wave
chdot: racers
chdot: photographers
chdot: another interview