DidaK: Truk Lagoon morning
DidaK: Truk Lagoon morning
DidaK: Truk Lagoon morning clouds
DidaK: Odyssey Explorer am
DidaK: Stuart
DidaK: color film NIkonos V; unretouched
DidaK: JJ w extra bottle hanging after SF maru dive
DidaK: JJ w/extra bottle of air after our dive to the San Francisco maru
DidaK: jelly
DidaK: Gas Mask
DidaK: Truk morning
DidaK: Stuart on Wreck
DidaK: Stuart and gun turret
DidaK: Small fish nr stairs
DidaK: Barry on stop
DidaK: Diver in wreck
DidaK: Two-person tanks on wreck
DidaK: Soft coral tableau
DidaK: Magnificent anenome
DidaK: Leather coral
DidaK: Oyster
DidaK: "Flower pot" on wreck deck.
DidaK: The "twins." A couple funny Brits who happened to be excellent divers.
DidaK: safety stop
DidaK: IMG_20150120_103827_491
DidaK: Brain coral amidst some wreckage. Ian hovering close by.
DidaK: Embedded hand
DidaK: 2015-01-28 23.03.43