DidaK: Explorers Club, Manhattan, second floor
DidaK: at Exporers Club, Manhattan
DidaK: Reading Room, EC
DidaK: 4th floor member clubhouse, Explorers Club
DidaK: Buzz Aldrin photo
DidaK: Buzz Aldrin autograph
DidaK: sperm whale penis
DidaK: Lynn Danaher with walrus at EC clubhouse
DidaK: a yeti skull at EC clubhouse
DidaK: Explorers Club
DidaK: EC Clubhouse cheetah
DidaK: Ed. Von der Porten and Jill Heinerth
DidaK: speakers at Sea Stories, Nov 14, 2009, EC headquarters
DidaK: 70th St, Manhattan, nr EC
DidaK: Explorers Club Expedition Flag taken to the moon, Apollo 8
DidaK: EC flag to the moon, Apollo 15
DidaK: Lynn, myself, Barb at Explorers Club, Manhattan