chaztoo: Clarus T. Bobcat
chaztoo: Hohner Super Chromonica in C
chaztoo: Sky Mall Haiku
chaztoo: Old Man
chaztoo: New Glasses
chaztoo: Niagara Falls State Park
chaztoo: Niagara Falls State Park
chaztoo: Niagara Falls State Park
chaztoo: Niagara Falls Graffito
chaztoo: Little Martin
chaztoo: Me & Jimmy
chaztoo: Toots
chaztoo: Toots
chaztoo: Young Buck
chaztoo: picplz_upload
chaztoo: Beautiful hand lettering at Albertsons.
chaztoo: Don't mind if I do.
chaztoo: These dears were gracious enough to let me sit in with them. They jam. I'm sitting on the far side of a large circle of musicians.
chaztoo: I haven't been able identify this species yet. Meanwhile, in the field, I refer to them as Gnarly Dudes.
chaztoo: Astro Monkey Novelist
chaztoo: Astronomical Monkey Novelist detail
chaztoo: All in all it was a pretty productive day.
chaztoo: Mourning Dove: Shot with a Droid X through the new binoculars. Boy, does good glass make a difference.
chaztoo: New Binoculars
chaztoo: Bear and Rachel
chaztoo: Bear and Rachel detail
chaztoo: Come on, Salsa, I just washed these!
chaztoo: For scale