ChattOconeeNF: A test unit from the 2021 Eastern Kentucky University Archaeology Field School hosted on the London Ranger District. (Forest Service photo by Andrea Baquerizo)
ChattOconeeNF: Forest Archaeologist Wayna Adams speaking over the radio at the 2012 Living Archaeology Weekend event. (Forest Service photo by Eric Schlarb)
ChattOconeeNF: Christina Pappas discusses American Indian textiles during the September 2020 recording of a Living Archeology Weekend video. (Forest Service photo by Wayna Adams)
ChattOconeeNF: Forest Archaeologist Wayna Adams pictured at Gladie Field in front of the historic Gladie Cabin in the Red River Gorge. (Forest Service photo by Kim Bonaccorso)
ChattOconeeNF: 2021-10-29 DBNF RF Award Video