ChattOconeeNF: Backcountry Horsemen of Virginia Highlands – George Washington & Jefferson National Forests
ChattOconeeNF: BCHVH President Nancy Sluys and her mule, which aided the effort with gravel panniers. Photo courtesy of Bill Sluys
ChattOconeeNF: Members of BCHVH perform trail work. Photo courtesy of Nancy Sluys
ChattOconeeNF: BCHA - VHHT - Unloading Paniers
ChattOconeeNF: BCHA - VHHT - Unloading Walk Behind Motorized Wheel Barrow
ChattOconeeNF: BCHA - VHHT - With Walk Behind Motorized Wheel Barrow
ChattOconeeNF: Members of BCHVH perform trail work. Photo courtesy of Nancy Sluys
ChattOconeeNF: Principal members of BCHVH with FS dump truck in the background. Photo courtesy of Bill Sluys
ChattOconeeNF: Before and after photos of two particularly damaged sections of trail. Photo courtesy of Nancy Sluys
ChattOconeeNF: Backcountry Horsemen of Virginia Highlands – George Washington & Jefferson National Forests
ChattOconeeNF: Backcountry Horsemen of Virginia Highlands – George Washington & Jefferson National Forests
ChattOconeeNF: Backcountry Horsemen of Virginia Highlands – George Washington & Jefferson National Forests
ChattOconeeNF: Backcountry Horsemen of Virginia Highlands – George Washington & Jefferson National Forests
ChattOconeeNF: Backcountry Horsemen of Virginia Highlands – George Washington & Jefferson National Forests
ChattOconeeNF: Backcountry Horsemen of Virginia Highlands – George Washington & Jefferson National Forests
ChattOconeeNF: Backcountry Horsemen of Virginia Highlands – George Washington & Jefferson National Forests
ChattOconeeNF: Backcountry Horsemen of Virginia Highlands – George Washington & Jefferson National Forests