chathamshooter: Alamo Plaza
chathamshooter: Mission Motel Sign
chathamshooter: Mission Motel
chathamshooter: Mission Motel
chathamshooter: Elm & Pearl
chathamshooter: Alamo Plaza
chathamshooter: Alamo Plaza
chathamshooter: Shooter's Perch from the Grassy Knoll, Dealy Plaza
chathamshooter: WPA Pergola Dealy Plaza
chathamshooter: Grassy Knoll, Dealy Plaza
chathamshooter: Dealy Plaza
chathamshooter: Boyd Hotel
chathamshooter: Hotel Newland
chathamshooter: Greyhound Station
chathamshooter: Beer & Breakfast
chathamshooter: Buck & Ruck Beer and Liquor
chathamshooter: Top Liquor
chathamshooter: Standard Spring & Brakes
chathamshooter: Mission Motel
chathamshooter: Texas Schoolbook Depository Bldg
chathamshooter: Cliff Cafe