megablst__: HTPC bits arriving :)
megablst__: THE BOX has made it into a high speed(?) train. Arms tired. Push on thru.
megablst__: The boxes that motherboards come in really are quite bizarre. Here's the new one.. #gigabyte #mobo
megablst__: Origenae S14V case
megablst__: Origenae S14V case
megablst__: Origenae S14V case
megablst__: Ninja Mini cooler looking very marginal for height fit :-/
megablst__: Ninja Mini cooler looking very marginal for height fit :-/
megablst__: Origenae S14V case
megablst__: Origenae S14V case
megablst__: Hard drive and Bluray going in
megablst__: Hard drive and Bluray going in
megablst__: IMG_2237
megablst__: @nomistheman #Htpc progressing.. CPU cooler 3mm too high for case.. hacksaw time!
megablst__: Check out the coloured lights on my new soundcard.. awesome! #asus #htpc #fb
megablst__: Completed build!
megablst__: Completed build!
megablst__: Completed build!