Sunbeings.Earth: Les piliers de… The pillars of…
Sunbeings.Earth: Louche — Laddle
Sunbeings.Earth: Le jour embrasse la nuit! The Day embraces the night!
Sunbeings.Earth: Bouche bée — Speechless
Sunbeings.Earth: Délicieuse luminosité! — Light delight!
Sunbeings.Earth: C’est beau rêver 😴 So nice to dream
Sunbeings.Earth: Régurgitation
Sunbeings.Earth: Semer à tout vent
Sunbeings.Earth: Ground Control to…
Sunbeings.Earth: Oreilles de lapin — Rabbit’s ears
Sunbeings.Earth: Trouvaille de ruelle! — Back alley find!
Sunbeings.Earth: Souvenir d’enfance — Childhood memory
Sunbeings.Earth: Tu monte ou tu descends? Going up or down?
Sunbeings.Earth: Je préfère le couvert d’Elligan — I prefer the cover of Elligan
Sunbeings.Earth: Éthéré — Ethereal
Sunbeings.Earth: Riders in the snow…
Sunbeings.Earth: Traversing frequencies
Sunbeings.Earth: Ça valait l’effort! — It was worth the effort!
Sunbeings.Earth: Jeu de lumière! — Light show!
Sunbeings.Earth: Quand est n’est plus que l’ombre de soi-même — When we’ve become the shadow of ourself
Sunbeings.Earth: Un univers à découvrir! A universe to discover!
Sunbeings.Earth: De souvenirs en souvenirs — Memories Within Memories
Sunbeings.Earth: Un signe? A sign?
Sunbeings.Earth: Musée — Museum
Sunbeings.Earth: Rêve actif — Active Dreaming
Sunbeings.Earth: Brume dans la tanière • Fog in the lair
Sunbeings.Earth: Une autre perspective — Another perspective
Sunbeings.Earth: Tombés du ciel • Fallen from the sky
Sunbeings.Earth: Quand l'invisible devient visible • When the invisible becomes visible