chassamax: Beerkeh - week 2 of 52
chassamax: Chessboard - week 3 of 52
chassamax: - week 4 of 52
chassamax: YES - week 5 of 52
chassamax: Wooden floor- week 6 of 52
chassamax: Blended fruits, lemon - week 7 of 52
chassamax: Blended fruits, kiwi - week 7 of 52
chassamax: English-French Dictionary : Letter E - week 8 of 52
chassamax: Windows glasses - week 9 of 52
chassamax: 170 km/h !!! - week 10 of 52
chassamax: Origami - week 11 of 52
chassamax: Snail - week 12 of 52
chassamax: White zip - Week 13 of 52
chassamax: Black zip - Week 13 of 52
chassamax: Highway - Week 14 of 52
chassamax: Intersecting - Week 15 of 52
chassamax: Panorama Lyon - France - Week 16 of 52
chassamax: Ink - Week 17 of 52
chassamax: Rainbow water - Week 17 of 52
chassamax: Rainbow water 2 - Week 17 of 52
chassamax: Ice cube - Week 17 of 52
chassamax: Ice & fire - Week 17 of 52
chassamax: La Monne - Week 18 of 52
chassamax: Le pont de Riberolles - Puy de Dôme - France - Week 18 of 52
chassamax: Pissenlit / Dandelion - Week 19 of 52
chassamax: Canon 6D - Week 19 of 52
chassamax: Papillon/butterfly - Week 20 of 52
chassamax: Feux d'artifices / Fireworks - Week 21 of 52
chassamax: Minimalist - Week 22 of 52
chassamax: Décollage / Take off - Week 23 of 52