randall sanger: Marvelous
randall sanger: "In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins. Not through strength, but through persistence."
randall sanger: "Man is always marveling at what he has blown apart, never at what the universe has put together, and this is his limitation."
randall sanger: "To the sane and free, it will hardly seem necessary to cross the continent in search of wild beauty, however easy the way, for they find it in abundance wherever they chance to be."
randall sanger: Lessons . . .
randall sanger: "Nature is a revelation of God; Art a revelation of man."
randall sanger: Protected
randall sanger: Thinking Spring!
randall sanger: Have Rope, Will Scramble
randall sanger: Riverine Hydrologic Feature
randall sanger: Strength
randall sanger: Water Walking
randall sanger: New River Gorgeous
randall sanger: Duratrans
randall sanger: New River Gorgeous II
randall sanger: On the Shelf