chase+kate: birthday present
chase+kate: girl's room
chase+kate: chase bringing it home
chase+kate: on the way home
chase+kate: airstream
chase+kate: airstream helper
chase+kate: 5 o'clock
chase+kate: jed and a truck full of projects
chase+kate: betty draper's kitchen
chase+kate: new shelves in progress
chase+kate: the kids made a spider web with twine. again.
chase+kate: mdf waiting for panels
chase+kate: putting in the panelling
chase+kate: popsicle, not blood
chase+kate: back door
chase+kate: jed demo-ing
chase+kate: airstream interior
chase+kate: airstream kitchen
chase+kate: my lovely new (very old) chambers
chase+kate: fun with pipefitting
chase+kate: birthday pancakes
chase+kate: birthday pie
chase+kate: buckley under the airstream
chase+kate: our pathway
chase+kate: with a telescope
chase+kate: buff orpingtons
chase+kate: new chicks