chasdobie: test video for
chasdobie: Bee-47513. Herron Mills Road
chasdobie: Two Northern Amber bumblebees
chasdobie: two bees on a sunflower
chasdobie: Northern Amber bumblebee (Explored Sept. 15, 2019)
chasdobie: bumblebees
chasdobie: bumblebees on wild asters
chasdobie: bumblebee watch item #61919
chasdobie: Her Royal Majesty
chasdobie: Common Eastern Bumblebee (queen)
chasdobie: Northern Amber bumblebee (Bombus Borealis)
chasdobie: Seven queen bumblebees
chasdobie: Queen bumblebee
chasdobie: Queen bumblebee
chasdobie: Moth and bumblebee on a coneflower
chasdobie: Bumblebee, ant, and moth on a coneflower
chasdobie: Sunflowers and bumblebees
chasdobie: Sunflowers and bumblebees
chasdobie: Common Eastern Bumblebee
chasdobie: Sunflowers with bumblebee
chasdobie: Bumblebee stealing pollen?
chasdobie: Bumblebees on onion flowers
chasdobie: Bumblebee in a hollyhock
chasdobie: Northern Amber bumblebee
chasdobie: Brown Belted Bumblebee on a coneflower
chasdobie: Common Eastern bumblebee
chasdobie: Two Common Eastern bumblebees
chasdobie: night-time bee
chasdobie: Northern Amber Bumblebee (bombus borealis)
chasdobie: Bumblebee on chive flower