firstfire53: Phone booths inside the post office
firstfire53: Main Post Office in Saigon
firstfire53: Pop Up Cards
firstfire53: Statue in front of the post office
firstfire53: Saigon City Streets
firstfire53: Flowers and decorations
firstfire53: Flowers and decorations
firstfire53: Flowers and decorations
firstfire53: Flowers and decorations
firstfire53: St. Peter’s Cathedral in Saigon
firstfire53: Flowers in front of the cathedral
firstfire53: Flowers at the Zoo
firstfire53: Elephant
firstfire53: Elephant
firstfire53: Ostrich
firstfire53: Peacocks
firstfire53: Peacocks
firstfire53: At the Saigon Zoo
firstfire53: At the Saigon Zoo
firstfire53: At the Saigon Zoo
firstfire53: On the canal
firstfire53: Woman rowing boat
firstfire53: On the canal
firstfire53: Local Musicians
firstfire53: On the canal
firstfire53: On the canal
firstfire53: On the canal
firstfire53: Candy Factor
firstfire53: John on a One Pole Bamboo Bridge
firstfire53: John on a One Pole Bamboo Bridge