charthyé: 2018-07-08 07.07.27 2
charthyé: 2018-07-08 07.07.28 1
charthyé: 2018-07-08 07.07.29 1
charthyé: 2018-07-08 07.07.26 1
charthyé: 2018-07-07 11.08.35 1
charthyé: 2018-07-07 11.08.34 1
charthyé: 2018-07-07 11.08.36 1
charthyé: 2018-07-07 11.08.37 2
charthyé: 2018-07-07 11.08.37 1
charthyé: 2018-07-07 11.08.33 1
charthyé: 2018-07-24 10.46.31 1
charthyé: 2018-07-24 10.46.30 1
charthyé: 2018-07-24 10.46.29 1
charthyé: salmon
charthyé: 雲腿薑米蛋白炒飯|Fried Rice with Minced Yunnan Ham, Ginger and Egg White @ Above & Beyond
charthyé: 雜菌帶子扒時蔬|Wok-fried Scallops with Seasonal Vegetables and Assorted Mushrooms @ Above & Beyond
charthyé: 筍尖鮮蝦餃、潮式蝦米蒸粉果、牛肝菌燒賣|Steamed Shrimps and Bamboo Shoots Dumpling,Steamed Pork Dumpling with Dried Shrimps and Yam Bean, Steamed Pork Dumpling with Porcini @ Above & Beyond
charthyé: 紫米露 @ Above & Beyond
charthyé: 2018-07-25 02.56.03 1
charthyé: 瑤柱蟹肉灌湯餃|Crab Meat and Conpoy Dumpling in Superior Broth @ Above & Beyond
charthyé: 雪菜蝦春卷|Deep-fried Shrimps Spring Rolls with Preserved Vegetables @ Above & Beyond
charthyé: 蜜汁黑豚肉叉燒|Honey-glazed Barbecued Kagoshima Pork @ Above & Beyond
charthyé: 2018-08-04 08.25.20 2
charthyé: Kaya French Toast|咖央西多士
charthyé: 2018-08-06 08.10.50 2
charthyé: 2018-08-06 08.10.50 1
charthyé: 不理不理左衛門玉子燒
charthyé: 蠟筆小新海鮮丼
charthyé: 築地山貴水產
charthyé: 鰻魚丼