CharsShots: You can see it in his eyes {Explored}
CharsShots: Weirdness on the beach {Fence Edition} {Explored}
CharsShots: Postcard from the Edge of the Bay {Explored}
CharsShots: Let me in! {Fenced Out Edition} - Explored
CharsShots: Trawling the Internet {Explore Front Page}
CharsShots: Venus in Transit {Explored}
CharsShots: Photog on the Hunt {Explored}
CharsShots: Happy bappy bo bappy {Explored}
CharsShots: Touchy Old-Timer {Explored}
CharsShots: High as an elephant's eye ♬ {Explored}
CharsShots: La Sortie d'Ecole (take two) {Explored}
CharsShots: Condiments {Explored}
CharsShots: Recently demised catch of the day... {Explored}
CharsShots: Is it bisque yet? {Explored: Front Page}
CharsShots: Penguins on Ice {Explored}
CharsShots: Fancy fencey treehouse! {Explored}
CharsShots: Sweet Chinchilla {Explored}
CharsShots: Frosty the Sungod Brightens My Fence {Explored}
CharsShots: Look what my camera obscura caught! {Explored}
CharsShots: Turpenguin! {Explored!}
CharsShots: Giving thanks for farm fences! {Explored}
CharsShots: Is it tomato soup weather yet? {Explored: Front Page}
CharsShots: It's a fence mash-up! {Explored}
CharsShots: I'll have a sasaparilla float, please! {Explored}
CharsShots: I wish my G.F.... {Explored}
CharsShots: It carried a lot of baggage {Explored}
CharsShots: A good laugh is like sunshine {Explored}
CharsShots: The penguies find a flying saucer! {Explored}
CharsShots: Room with a view {Explored}
CharsShots: It's not a dream, it's real! {Explored}