{carole}: cheers!! 1:365
{carole}: things "tweens" like 2:365
{carole}: knitta please...3:365
{carole}: a toast to dave 4:365
{carole}: pause. reflect. 6:365
{carole}: lego lives here 8:365
{carole}: the pen collector 9:365
{carole}: someone got a puppy 10:365
{carole}: sunday morning moon 11:365
{carole}: puppies abound 12:365
{carole}: This is what happens when you start your day at 5 am, chase a runaway dog before 6 am, work 11.5 hours, and file divorce documents all in one day. 13:365
{carole}: hands 16:365
{carole}: clearly, I am getting too old for this shit. 17:365
{carole}: The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. 19:365
{carole}: some days are yellow 20:365
{carole}: for boys and girls of all ages 22:365
{carole}: unlike me 24:365
{carole}: succulent is my favorite word. 25:365
{carole}: life is fragile and scary and beautiful. 26:365
{carole}: I am a mushy, girly girl who makes silly faces in the mirror after extremely long weeks. 30:365
{carole}: iHaveAProblem 27:365
{carole}: upon high 28:365
{carole}: this desert rose whose shadow bears the secret promise 29:365
{carole}: such a sweet puppy 31:365