{carole}: such a sweet puppy 31:365
{carole}: a moment of rest 47:365
{carole}: budding
{carole}: blue angels
{carole}: the wayback machine
{carole}: snips and snails and puppy-dogs' tails
{carole}: it rained hard yesterday
{carole}: bonding
{carole}: olive the tween
{carole}: bliss
{carole}: bliss redux
{carole}: the eve of eleven
{carole}: officially eleven
{carole}: less motherless
{carole}: beloved
{carole}: Sometimes being a brother is even better than being a superhero.
{carole}: scout's honor
{carole}: “People don't notice whether it's winter or summer when they're happy.”
{carole}: no beginning, no end, no point of weakness
{carole}: the blue door
{carole}: pile up
{carole}: ***sigh***
{carole}: lovely, glowy girls
{carole}: quail-spotting
{carole}: vampiress
{carole}: twelve
{carole}: muse: 5/52
{carole}: lady, i tire of you taking my photo.