{carole}: yuccabloom
{carole}: this way to the sky
{carole}: showers
{carole}: crazy clouds
{carole}: sunset031907
{carole}: tentrocks3
{carole}: 100_0322
{carole}: snowy sandia sunset
{carole}: yucca
{carole}: the sky waxes poetic
{carole}: magic
{carole}: strangescape
{carole}: nicho
{carole}: promise
{carole}: their eyes were watching god
{carole}: turquesa
{carole}: the sky greeted us
{carole}: jackass junction 40:365
{carole}: straight up 54:365
{carole}: all this feels strange and untrue
{carole}: tambourines and elephants are playing in the band
{carole}: i would walk 500 miles
{carole}: ghost ranch, new mexico
{carole}: cottonwoods along the rio grande, abiquiu new mexico