charmgirl13: Texas!
charmgirl13: LBJ's office at the Texas White House
charmgirl13: LBJ's chair
charmgirl13: This is my ranch and I do as I damn please
charmgirl13: Texas Hill Country
charmgirl13: Camera Roll-707
charmgirl13: The 28th state
charmgirl13: Sorry, we're pancakes
charmgirl13: Brunch
charmgirl13: Sorry, We're Open
charmgirl13: The Alamo
charmgirl13: Gingerbread Girl!
charmgirl13: Wouldn't I have made a great-looking German woman?
charmgirl13: LBJ Ranch
charmgirl13: LBJ Ranch
charmgirl13: LBJ Visitor Center
charmgirl13: UT Tower
charmgirl13: University of Texas Memorial Stadium
charmgirl13: Now it's a road trip!
charmgirl13: You may all go to hell and I will go to Texas
charmgirl13: Bucee's
charmgirl13: San Antonio at Christmas
charmgirl13: At the Alamo
charmgirl13: The River Walk all dolled up for Christmas