Charm and Poise:
Dapper in Knit
Charm and Poise:
A Sorta Kinda Action Shot
Charm and Poise:
Mr. Chang Had a Lovely Morning
Charm and Poise:
Officer Slim Protests My Trip
Charm and Poise:
That's a Fight About to Break Out
Charm and Poise:
All Together Now
Charm and Poise:
Shy and Retiring
Charm and Poise:
Trixie Shows Herself to her Best Advantage
Charm and Poise:
Gladys Gives Her Calm Face
Charm and Poise:
Stretch Demonstrates His Vanity Fair Special Young Actors Edition Pose
Charm and Poise:
Mr. Chang Doing What He Does Best. Meowing.
Charm and Poise:
Officer Slim (and me!) In Repose
Charm and Poise:
Trixie Guards the Vintage American Home Magazines
Charm and Poise:
The Most Beautiful Girl in the World
Charm and Poise:
Who's Mommy's Little Boy? Stretch Is!
Charm and Poise:
How Are My Teeth?
Charm and Poise:
Maintaining Dignity While Swaddled in a Pink Blanket
Charm and Poise:
The Infamous Bat Boy Pose!
Charm and Poise:
Chicken Headed Chang
Charm and Poise:
Charm and Poise:
The View From the Top
Charm and Poise:
I Was Tagged!
Charm and Poise:
Merry Changmas #1 (Earnest)
Charm and Poise:
Merry Changmas #2 (Registering Protest)
Charm and Poise:
Merry Changmas #3 (Ready to Hear Your List of Gifts)
Charm and Poise:
Merry Changmas #4 (Coy)
Charm and Poise:
The King on his Throne
Charm and Poise:
Super Sleeper
Charm and Poise:
This One Is For All the Ladies
Charm and Poise:
Mr. Chang is not Feeling the Ladybug Hat