Charlie and Lucia: Vent Pipe Uberkill
Charlie and Lucia: old and funky and ready to be revamped!!!!
Charlie and Lucia: down to the bare bones...dirty work!!!!
Charlie and Lucia: another view w/ light on.... I even textured & painted the walls...lucia
Charlie and Lucia: new corner w/ more mosaic & "coral" jewelry stand...
Charlie and Lucia: i'm going to do mosaic work when i retire!...lucia
Charlie and Lucia: medicine cabinet close-up (c&l joint project!)
Charlie and Lucia: old "window" mirror w/ c&l mosaic medicine cabinet frame collaboration
Charlie and Lucia: my love of mosaics began in my childhood...lucia ( in the middle east!)
Charlie and Lucia: arches everywhere...
Charlie and Lucia: new vaulted ceiling, lights & shower...
Charlie and Lucia: iffy lighting...but you get the idea
Charlie and Lucia: i love mosaics, arches, and coral---see towel hooks