charlottes flowers: Blackbirds
charlottes flowers: Muscovy Duck couple at Stow Lake
charlottes flowers: Muscovey Ducks at Stow Lake
charlottes flowers: Yummy, Paper
charlottes flowers: The Wild Parrots of San Francisco come calling
charlottes flowers: parrots come calling again
charlottes flowers: Neighborhood Watch
charlottes flowers: I think I'll have me some lunch
charlottes flowers: Look both ways before crossing the Road
charlottes flowers: Tending the Nest
charlottes flowers: Dove Babies
charlottes flowers: Peregrine Falcon
charlottes flowers: A Bird in the Bush
charlottes flowers: Are you looking at me?
charlottes flowers: Marabou Stork
charlottes flowers: Marabou Stork - fluffy bottom
charlottes flowers: Blue Heron
charlottes flowers: Keeping Watch
charlottes flowers: A little birdie told me so ...
charlottes flowers: A cool drink would be good right now
charlottes flowers: Northern Pintail Duck
charlottes flowers: Me and my gal
charlottes flowers: Their own paradise
charlottes flowers: Follow me!
charlottes flowers: Feeding time!
charlottes flowers: Are we there yet?