charlottehbest: 103/365 Taking the high road
charlottehbest: mountain vista
charlottehbest: Aremd village, High Atlas
charlottehbest: pool by night
charlottehbest: the neighbours
charlottehbest: shadows and windows
charlottehbest: wall and window
charlottehbest: Steph (with bags!)
charlottehbest: Riad - first night in Morrocco!
charlottehbest: Marrakech nightlights
charlottehbest: Atlas aquaduct
charlottehbest: High Atlas Mountains
charlottehbest: The group
charlottehbest: valley view
charlottehbest: High Atlas Honkey
charlottehbest: Morroccan tea and sweet snacks
charlottehbest: Honnnnkey
charlottehbest: Blue steel
charlottehbest: Lightning over the Atlas mountains
charlottehbest: Minarets
charlottehbest: Ghosting
charlottehbest: arches and walkways
charlottehbest: criss-cross tiles and taps
charlottehbest: light and dark