Rapster: Flowers chilling in the bath
Rapster: Flowers
Rapster: Val's corsage
Rapster: Buttonholes
Rapster: Kirsty's handbag
Rapster: Kirsty's shoes
Rapster: Kirsty's flats!
Rapster: Amy's shoes
Rapster: Tracy & Charlie's shoes (spot the differences!)
Rapster: Kirsty's dress
Rapster: Kirsty's dress
Rapster: Pensive bride to be
Rapster: Meditative maid of honour in the make-up chair
Rapster: Working those cheekbones
Rapster: Bridesmaid Amy in the hair chair
Rapster: Amy's hair - done!
Rapster: Amy's hair
Rapster: Amy's hair
Rapster: Kirsty and Val
Rapster: Mother and daughter
Rapster: Luke having a look
Rapster: Lukey cuddles
Rapster: Luke & Kirsty
Rapster: Kirsty & Charlie
Rapster: Amy all ready to go
Rapster: Beautiful bridesmaid