Rapster: Fireworks at Regatta
Rapster: Fireworks at Regatta
Rapster: Fireworks at Regatta
Rapster: Fireworks at Regatta
Rapster: Fireworks at Regatta
Rapster: Evening falls over Dartmouth Regatta
Rapster: Regatta Evening
Rapster: Time to chill out at Southtown
Rapster: Tamarind about to be on parade
Rapster: Preparing the Regatta fireworks!
Rapster: Photographing the Vulcan
Rapster: White Mouse II and Vulcan
Rapster: The last remaining Vulcan, at Dartmouth Regatta
Rapster: Our fellow classic craft
Rapster: Si and Rob on the foredeck
Rapster: Singing!
Rapster: Duck!
Rapster: Where's Thomas?
Rapster: Passing the Anchor Stone
Rapster: Thomas's latest fan
Rapster: Alison
Rapster: Snack time!
Rapster: Learning the ropes!
Rapster: Arriving on board for a day out on White Mouse II
Rapster: Taxi driver
Rapster: Agnes on the bus
Rapster: Robin and Agnes
Rapster: Looking for Margo
Rapster: Brave man!
Rapster: Cousins (and cuckoo)