Rapster: Kapellbrücke, Luzern
Rapster: View from our hotel window in Luzern
Rapster: View from our hotel window in Luzern
Rapster: Around Lucerne's old town
Rapster: Around Lucerne's old town
Rapster: Around Lucerne's old town
Rapster: Around Lucerne's old town
Rapster: Lucerne's town hall
Rapster: Swan in Lucerne
Rapster: Lucerne
Rapster: Lucerne
Rapster: Fur coats at the ready in Lucerne restaurant
Rapster: Around Lucerne's old town
Rapster: Around Lucerne's old town
Rapster: Around Lucerne's old town
Rapster: Looking across the river in Lucerne
Rapster: Water feature in Lucerne
Rapster: Peter feature in Lucerne
Rapster: Spreuerbrücke, Lucerne
Rapster: Franzikanerkirche, Lucerne
Rapster: Pipe, hat, beard pipe!
Rapster: More views of the Kapellbrücke
Rapster: More views of the Kapellbrücke
Rapster: Our hotel (des Alpes)
Rapster: More views of the Kapellbrücke
Rapster: Amazing cubic trees!
Rapster: Signs
Rapster: In the Spiegellabyrinth (mirror maze), Lucerne
Rapster: In the Spiegellabyrinth (mirror maze), Lucerne
Rapster: In the Spiegellabyrinth (mirror maze), Lucerne