Rapster: 5:30am .. lights still on ...
Rapster: 5:45 am .. lights off!
Rapster: Sun up
Rapster: Rays
Rapster: Sunrise!
Rapster: San Francisco: Kingdom of Whoop
Rapster: Words of the Birds
Rapster: Language of the Birds installation in North Beach
Rapster: North Beach graffiti
Rapster: Grant Avenue (Chinatown), San Francisco
Rapster: The Transamerica Pyramid, from Grant and Broadway
Rapster: New Sun Hong Kong restaurant mural (Broadway)
Rapster: Bottlebrush tree (callistemon rigidus)
Rapster: Specs 12 Adler Museum Cafe
Rapster: Tosca cafe
Rapster: City Lights Bookstore
Rapster: Open door, open books, open mind, open heart
Rapster: Vesuvio - where beat poetry was invented ...
Rapster: San Francisco's first topless bar
Rapster: I kept seeing this sign and thinking it said something else!
Rapster: MMmmn, garlic restaurant!
Rapster: Loved the paint job
Rapster: More great graffiti
Rapster: Their fire trucks are ace
Rapster: Caffe Trieste, supposedly where Coppola wrote the screenplay to the Godfather (*homage*)
Rapster: Lovely snippety views from Telegraph Hill
Rapster: Lovely day for a sail out in the bay
Rapster: Great colour juxtaposition
Rapster: IMG_0078
Rapster: Great Art Deco building on Sansome Street