Rapster: Dusk settling outside the Divinity School
Rapster: Looking out from the Divinity School
Rapster: Guests waiting
Rapster: Melinda and Henry at the register
Rapster: Sparkling hairpiece
Rapster: The happy couple
Rapster: The blushing bride
Rapster: Camilla, Andy, David, Rosie
Rapster: Pete and Charlie
Rapster: Pete and Charlie
Rapster: David, Rosie, David
Rapster: Charlotte and Richard
Rapster: Richard & Kate
Rapster: The arrival of Armaleggan
Rapster: Armaleggan in action
Rapster: Armaleggan in action
Rapster: Armaleggan in action
Rapster: Table flowers and fan vaults
Rapster: Speeches