Rapster: Arriving in Grindelwald
Rapster: Beautiful Grindelwald and the Wetterhorn (I think)
Rapster: Cloud over Grindelwald
Rapster: The Wetterhorn (?!)
Rapster: View from my bedroom
Rapster: Then the sky cleared for a moment
Rapster: And then it snowed.
Rapster: Snow over Grindelwald
Rapster: Grindelwald Bahnhof
Rapster: Nothing to see here.
Rapster: Poised for action
Rapster: A last cig before the off
Rapster: Trains, tipis - what else would you expect to find up a mountain?
Rapster: Forklifting
Rapster: Kleine Scheidegg
Rapster: Wrapping up
Rapster: Bird in the snow
Rapster: Not entirely convinced by the conditions
Rapster: But ready for action anyway
Rapster: Mountain tipis!
Rapster: Strapping on
Rapster: Crossing the tracks
Rapster: A PMo pose
Rapster: Lourapolitan
Rapster: Shenny, Pete and Cle ready for red
Rapster: Lou and Patrick from the train
Rapster: Lourap and PMo on piste
Rapster: Allmend station
Rapster: Not the nicest day for it
Rapster: A lone skier