Rapster: Floral arrangement
Rapster: Gurning groom
Rapster: Pensive groom
Rapster: Checking out the guests
Rapster: Greeting the mother-in-law
Rapster: Inappropriately sombre face
Rapster: Arrival of the bride
Rapster: Preparing the guard of honour
Rapster: Guard of honour awaits
Rapster: The guard of honour, bride and groom
Rapster: A kiss
Rapster: Lovely hair!
Rapster: Ready with the old sword
Rapster: Being piped away
Rapster: The Rapple clan (and an Arbuthnott)
Rapster: With the piper
Rapster: With Simon's family
Rapster: With Anna the bridesmaid
Rapster: Man and wife
Rapster: Cutting the cake
Rapster: Country dancing #1
Rapster: Country dancing #2
Rapster: You put your right leg in ...
Rapster: Karen looks tiny!
Rapster: Pete and Iain's set
Rapster: Thirsty work!
Rapster: Country dancing #3
Rapster: Country dancing #4