Rapster: And past Stonehenge on the way home
Rapster: Moon over Jazz World
Rapster: Freaky trash-faced baby
Rapster: Geoff watches tellies
Rapster: Trash City
Rapster: Geoffs viewing some Trash
Rapster: Geoffing helicopters
Rapster: Trash City building decay
Rapster: And the tyre was still spinning
Rapster: Crazy burning trash
Rapster: IMG_4413
Rapster: IMG_4412
Rapster: Geoff's capes and Greenpeace giant Scrabble!
Rapster: Imaginary bowls
Rapster: Giraffe, stilt walkers, monkeys - what more can you need
Rapster: Monkeys!
Rapster: Of course there's a giraffe
Rapster: Hilarious commentary on random passers-by
Rapster: Spaceman, cannon people
Rapster: Crazy hula lady
Rapster: Llama flags
Rapster: Mowing the lawn (could take a while)
Rapster: Somebody's got to do it...
Rapster: Crazy boat people and the Saddlespan stage
Rapster: Gnome in the garden
Rapster: Flags in Cabaret field
Rapster: Boat people!
Rapster: Dave having a little kip after the excitement of Rod Laver
Rapster: Cardboard guitar for the Quo
Rapster: The Boss and Little Stevie get down