Rapster: A poisonous relative of the potato
Rapster: Mmn fungus
Rapster: Mmmn still fungus
Rapster: Weirdy growing thing, Hawaii
Rapster: Weirdy bush thing - flower or fungus?!
Rapster: Embryonic fern, Port Hills, NZ
Rapster: Singapore Botanic Gardens (8)
Rapster: Singapore Botanic Gardens (3)
Rapster: Kalabash tree, or Singapore Botanic Gardens (2)
Rapster: Singapore Botanic Gardens (1)
Rapster: Weirdy thing growing on a rock
Rapster: IMG_4211
Rapster: Pete took this
Rapster: IMG_4213
Rapster: Birds and bees eating weird stuff
Rapster: Weirdy growing stuff