CharlieMarlowe: 2011-09-13 AG Mini Samantha
CharlieMarlowe: 2011-09-13 American Girls and AG Minis
CharlieMarlowe: 2011-09-13 AG Mini Cecile and Samantha (1)
CharlieMarlowe: 2011-09-13 AG Mini Cecile and Samantha
CharlieMarlowe: 2011-12-12 Cecile and Samantha Comparsion (2)
CharlieMarlowe: 2011-12-12 Cecile and Samantha Comparsion (1)
CharlieMarlowe: 2011-12-31 Happy New Year AG (1)
CharlieMarlowe: 2012-02-01 Samantha (1)
CharlieMarlowe: 2012-02-01 Samantha (2)
CharlieMarlowe: 2012-02-01 Samantha (4)
CharlieMarlowe: 2012-02-01 Samantha (5)
CharlieMarlowe: 2012-02-01 Opening the AG_over_18 Present (8)
CharlieMarlowe: 2012-02-29 Moira and PJs (2)
CharlieMarlowe: 2012-03-07 AG Mini Samantha (1)
CharlieMarlowe: 2012-03-07 AG Mini Samantha (2)
CharlieMarlowe: 2014-05-16 New AG minis
CharlieMarlowe: 2014-05-16 New AG minis- Pre-Mattel Samantha
CharlieMarlowe: 2014-05-16 New AG minis- Pre-Mattel Samantha
CharlieMarlowe: 2015-08-22 #MaryEllen is at home with my other #AG minis, right next to her #BeForever friends, #Grace and #Addy #toy #AmericanGirl #doll
CharlieMarlowe: 2015-12-12 I had enough energy today to rearrange the shelf that my #AGMinis, petite #Blythe, and #BJDs live on. It's sort of late here-- at least for photography, so my cell phone picture lacks detail. But this is my entire dollhouse scale sized family.