Charlie 2.0: Moshi Town
Charlie 2.0: Moshi Town
Charlie 2.0: Leaving Moshi, Kilimanjaro on the Horizon
Charlie 2.0: Rhotia Valley
Charlie 2.0: Acacias into Ngorongoro Crater
Charlie 2.0: Storm Clouds over Ngorongoro Crater
Charlie 2.0: Hadzara Tribe
Charlie 2.0: On the Ngorongoro Plains
Charlie 2.0: View from my tent at Camp 1 on the Serengeti
Charlie 2.0: Camp 1 on the Serengeti with Wayo Touring
Charlie 2.0: Lone Giraffe on the Serengeti
Charlie 2.0: Mumma Lion in a tree on the Serengeti
Charlie 2.0: Cubs in a tree on the Serengeti