CharlieBoy808: Day 001/365 - Sunset Beach
CharlieBoy808: Day 002/365 @tmobile_usa to replace @partyallmyown 's stolen phone
CharlieBoy808: Day 003/365 - So like... I'm surprised that this tastes good
CharlieBoy808: Day 004/365 - My new toy!
CharlieBoy808: Day 005/365 - I had a special visitor today
CharlieBoy808: Day 006/365 - Tiny the not so tiny cat
CharlieBoy808: Day 007/365 - I found a three wolf moon shirt!
CharlieBoy808: Day 008/365 - Dilemma for today
CharlieBoy808: Day 009/365 - Yeah that's right I own a blender! (now)
CharlieBoy808: Day 010/365 - Tiny loves edamame... idk why he just does...
CharlieBoy808: Day 011/365 - It's 1/11/11?
CharlieBoy808: Day 012/365 - So today it rained huh?
CharlieBoy808: Day 013/365 - So the wind did this last night
CharlieBoy808: Day 014/365 - Dinner with the family @bigcitydiner
CharlieBoy808: Day 015/365 - A Splendid Day w/ My Baby
CharlieBoy808: Day 016/365 - YAY!! I got a GoPro!
CharlieBoy808: Day 017/365 - So akward situations and testing my GoPro
CharlieBoy808: Day 018/365 - Testing day with GoPro while riding
CharlieBoy808: Day 019/365 - Tie day
CharlieBoy808: Day 020/365 - YogurStory
CharlieBoy808: Day 021/365 - The result of being tagged in an old photo... to funny :-)
CharlieBoy808: Day 022/365 - Terrible use of tape to make a window
CharlieBoy808: Day 023/365 - A great day
CharlieBoy808: Day 024/365 - Drown the kitty day :-)
CharlieBoy808: Day 025/365 - Oh how I miss my sidekick
CharlieBoy808: Day 026/365 - The problem with gaming these days...
CharlieBoy808: Day 027/365 - Weird shopping list or implusive shopper?
CharlieBoy808: Day 028/365 - Meeting of the minds...
CharlieBoy808: Day 029/365 - Welcome to my weekends :-)
CharlieBoy808: Day 030/365 - I didnt pick the color I just hung it