usf1fan2: Overview of the excavations, Ercolano, Italia
usf1fan2: Upper end of the current excavations as the modern city sits on top of the ruins, Ercolano, Italia
usf1fan2: It is estimated that only 25% of Ercolano has been unearthed, Ercolano, Italia
usf1fan2: Insula Orientalis II-Portion of the excavations that is presently closed to the public, Ercolano, Italia
usf1fan2: Modern residential buildings, Ercolano, Italia
usf1fan2: The modern city envelopes the ruins, Ercolano, Italia
usf1fan2: The eruption of Vesuvius in 79AD covered the city in deep lava, thus preserving many structures, Ercolano, Italia
usf1fan2: Roman frescoes can still be seen inside the ruins, Ercolano, Italia
usf1fan2: Modern buildings along Strada Statale 18, Ercolano, Italia
usf1fan2: These buildings, part of the modern city, most likely sit on top of unearthed ruins, Ercolano, Italia
usf1fan2: Modern buildings, Ercolano, Italia
usf1fan2: The modern city along Via Mare, Ercolano, Italia
usf1fan2: The ruins, the modern city, and the mountains in the distance, Ercolano, Italia
usf1fan2: Great contrast between ancient and modern, Ercolano, Italia
usf1fan2: Ercolano park, Ercolano, Italia
usf1fan2: Aerial shot that shows how much higher the modern city is, Ercolano, Italia
usf1fan2: Unlike Pompei, most structures did not collapse in Ercolano, Italia
usf1fan2: The ruins with Vesuvius, the city's destructor, in the background, Ercolano, Italia
usf1fan2: Boat houses were remains of some of the 300 skeletons were found, Ercolano, Italia
usf1fan2: Boats were found in this port during recent excavations in Ercolano, Italia
usf1fan2: When the eruption took place in 79AD, this was the coastline in Ercolano, Italia
usf1fan2: Ara di M. Nono Balbio, Ercolano, Italia
usf1fan2: Ancient Roman scriptures in Ercolano, Italia
usf1fan2: Area Sacra-most likely a temple was built here, Ercolano, Italia
usf1fan2: Terme Suburbane-public bath house, Ercolano, Italia
usf1fan2: House Number 26, Casa del Rilievo di Telefo, Ercolano, Italia
usf1fan2: House Number 16, Casa della Stoffa, Ercolano, Italia
usf1fan2: Fresco inside House Number 16, Casa della Stoffa, Ercolano, Italia
usf1fan2: Casa del Gran Portale, House Number 18, Ercolano, Italia
usf1fan2: Fresco inside House Number 16, Casa della Stoffa, one of the better preserved, Ercolano, Italia