Charlotte Spencer!: Day 1: This is me.
Charlotte Spencer!: Day 2: Thus, a cat is born.
Charlotte Spencer!: Day 3: Outside Edition.
Charlotte Spencer!: Day 4: Revising, Tattoo, Face.
Charlotte Spencer!: Day 5: Mother.
Charlotte Spencer!: Day 6: Dirty Walls.
Charlotte Spencer!: Day 7: An Accident.
Charlotte Spencer!: Day 8: Hover.
Charlotte Spencer!: Day 9: Shock.
Charlotte Spencer!: Day 10: A Stump.
Charlotte Spencer!: Day 11: Light Ghosts.
Charlotte Spencer!: Day 12: Drowned.
Charlotte Spencer!: Day 13: Overexposure.
Charlotte Spencer!: Day 14: Visual Spirits.
Charlotte Spencer!: Day 15: It's all a blur.
Charlotte Spencer!: Day 16: World War Z.
Charlotte Spencer!: Day 17: Green Party.
Charlotte Spencer!: Day 18: You're crazy but I still love you.
Charlotte Spencer!: Day 19: I've got a thousand opinions and not the time to explain.
Charlotte Spencer!: Day 20: There's a sadness in her eyes.
Charlotte Spencer!: Day 21: If in doubt.
Charlotte Spencer!: Day 22: I am content.
Charlotte Spencer!: Day 23: I have no idea.
Charlotte Spencer!: Day 24: I can see you over there, watching me.
Charlotte Spencer!: Day 25: It's bright today.
Charlotte Spencer!: Day 26: Reversion.
Charlotte Spencer!: Day 27: Contemplacy.
Charlotte Spencer!: Day 28: It's all Magical.
Charlotte Spencer!: Second Choice for Day 28:
Charlotte Spencer!: Day 29: Blinded by the sun.