CharlaneG: Pensive
CharlaneG: Easter Egg
CharlaneG: Alone
CharlaneG: Trouble with a Capital T
CharlaneG: youngest niece
CharlaneG: Daddy love
CharlaneG: Heather and the girls
CharlaneG: JD and the girls
CharlaneG: Let's Fly a Kite
CharlaneG: is this my color?
CharlaneG: Attitude
CharlaneG: yeah....right
CharlaneG: who can resist those baby blues?
CharlaneG: Pink
CharlaneG: Beach Baby
CharlaneG: Curious Hands
CharlaneG: In Action
CharlaneG: attitude-2
CharlaneG: The moment one gives close attention to anything, even a blade of grass, it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself.
CharlaneG: the eldest
CharlaneG: big sister love
CharlaneG: tea party
CharlaneG: the youngest
CharlaneG: What's that....
CharlaneG: vintage
CharlaneG: giggles
CharlaneG: in the garden
CharlaneG: teacup
CharlaneG: Swingin'
CharlaneG: love those lashes