charity.lynne: look out!
charity.lynne: ashley and mystery child hand
charity.lynne: fish floor
charity.lynne: a new world
charity.lynne: ter-RAH-dac-TILE! ATTACK!!!
charity.lynne: printing press wall
charity.lynne: mystery mirror
charity.lynne: city museum
charity.lynne: holding on for dear life
charity.lynne: city museum (looking up)
charity.lynne: ashley aka mother mary.
charity.lynne: alternative to stairs...
charity.lynne: ash and i
charity.lynne: trapped ashley
charity.lynne: turtles!
charity.lynne: monkey!
charity.lynne: white turtle!
charity.lynne: aquarium!
charity.lynne: railing
charity.lynne: tunnel under water
charity.lynne: magical mirrors
charity.lynne: white turtle!
charity.lynne: saftey box wall
charity.lynne: white turtle
charity.lynne: the bottle wall
charity.lynne: city museum