jchrisr: hermano
jchrisr: at home
jchrisr: trumpeting cherubim
jchrisr: is anybody there
jchrisr: stick pile
jchrisr: sidewalk
jchrisr: flag mast
jchrisr: boarded-up doorway
jchrisr: clarion
jchrisr: looking good
jchrisr: brick
jchrisr: parking lot
jchrisr: candy-cane pole
jchrisr: angel in the garden
jchrisr: still life
jchrisr: china cabinet
jchrisr: still life
jchrisr: pump organ
jchrisr: pump pedals
jchrisr: self-portrait
jchrisr: sugarbowl, creamer, & co.
jchrisr: mcdonald's high chair
jchrisr: three cones
jchrisr: a shirt hangs from the cieling
jchrisr: tattered parasol
jchrisr: painted mannequin
jchrisr: trapped legs
jchrisr: satan works at krispy kreme
jchrisr: chevy wreath
jchrisr: welcome to the wild wild west