char1iej: Sculpture at gate to Brookgreen Gardens
char1iej: Sculpture at Brookgreen Gardens
char1iej: Yellow flower - Macro
char1iej: Seedpod - Macro
char1iej: Yellow flower - Closeup
char1iej: Yellow-orange Summer flower
char1iej: Yellow flower - Seedpod - Macro
char1iej: Yellow flower seedpod - macro
char1iej: Sculpture at Brookgreen Gardens
char1iej: Beautiful yellow flowers
char1iej: Beautiful yellow flower - Macro
char1iej: Flowers erupting from the bud
char1iej: Almost there - flower pod
char1iej: Blossomed!
char1iej: Sculpture of a nude couple at Brookgreen Gardens
char1iej: Sculpture of a muscular nude woman at Brookgreen Gardens
char1iej: Daisies - Macro
char1iej: Sculpture of a nude woman at Brookgreen Gardens
char1iej: Peachy pink and yellow flower - Macro
char1iej: Black-eyed Susan
char1iej: Sculpture of Samson killing the lion at Brookgreen Gardens
char1iej: Tiny bright red flowers - Macro
char1iej: Light blue flowers
char1iej: White flower - Macro
char1iej: Iron gate - B&W
char1iej: Sculpture at Brookgreen Gardens
char1iej: Beautiful Green Dragonfly
char1iej: Cone flower - macro
char1iej: Cone flower seed pod - Macro
char1iej: Deep red flower - Macro