JackiRWheeler: Justin Hayes-Smith 5-20-08
JackiRWheeler: Becky Hayes-Smith 5-20-08
JackiRWheeler: Uncle Cal helping Bela 7-04-08
JackiRWheeler: More fun at the Smith beach 7-4-08
JackiRWheeler: Smith Family 4th of July 2008
JackiRWheeler: Family 4th of July 2008
JackiRWheeler: Crazy Smith Family 4th of July 2008
JackiRWheeler: Justin Matthew Smith 7-04-08
JackiRWheeler: Justin Matthew Smith #2 7-04-08
JackiRWheeler: Justin before wt lifting finals 7-04-08
JackiRWheeler: Justin at the lake 7-04-08
JackiRWheeler: Chip 7-04-08
JackiRWheeler: Beckyt and maya 7-04-08
JackiRWheeler: Becky and Maya #2 7-04-08
JackiRWheeler: Becky and Maya tubing Mill Lake #5 7-04-08
JackiRWheeler: Becky and Maya #4 7-04-08
JackiRWheeler: Becky and Maya #3 7-04-08
JackiRWheeler: Becky the Beautfiul 7-04-08
JackiRWheeler: Becky - Proud to be a Protester 7-04-08