Chapman Cycles:
James’s light touring bike (with basket)
Chapman Cycles:
James’s light touring bike (with basket)
Chapman Cycles:
James’s light touring bike (with basket)
Chapman Cycles:
James’s light touring bike (with basket)
Chapman Cycles:
James’s light touring bike (with basket)
Chapman Cycles:
James’s light touring bike (with basket)
Chapman Cycles:
James’s light touring bike (with basket)
Chapman Cycles:
James’s light touring bike (with basket)
Chapman Cycles:
James’s light touring bike (with basket)
Chapman Cycles:
James’s light touring bike (with basket)
Chapman Cycles:
James’s light touring bike (with basket)
Chapman Cycles:
James’s light touring bike (with basket)
Chapman Cycles:
James’s light touring bike (with basket)
Chapman Cycles:
James’s light touring bike (with basket)
Chapman Cycles:
James’s light touring bike (with basket)
Chapman Cycles:
James’s light touring bike (with basket)
Chapman Cycles:
James’s light touring bike (with basket)
Chapman Cycles:
James’s light touring bike (with basket)
Chapman Cycles:
This metallic pink and black one is just about ready to roll out of the shop. And thankfully it’ll be staying local. #pinkandblack #chapmancycles
Chapman Cycles:
Taillight wire exit. I like using this Nitto post specifically for this reason. #nittojapan #crystalfellow #chapmancycles
Chapman Cycles:
Mid-assembly on this metallic pink one. Have you ever cut your steerer too short? Yeah, me too. You only have to do that once (or twice) to learn to measure thrice. #steerertube #threadedheadset #shimanoxt #chapmancycles
Chapman Cycles:
When the paint lays out perfectly and the masking goes smoothly, it feels so good. This one is now ready for clearcoat...where lots of things can go wrong. Ha! #bicyclepainting #rosequartz #vinylmask #ppgpaint #chapmancycles
Chapman Cycles:
There’s a seat cluster under that flux. This one is almost ready for primer. #lug #flux #silverbrazing #chapmancycles
Chapman Cycles:
Going from 4 wires to 2 on this Sinewave Cycles Beacon headlight. Keeping it clean on the current build. #dynamolight #dynamowiring #sinewavecycles #chapmancycles
Chapman Cycles:
The hole cutouts and long slots on these lugs came together naturally but I’m curious what it will look like with paint (metallic pink with black details). Fingers crossed that it all comes together. Badge is just on there for the photo.
Chapman Cycles:
These lugs are carved and ready to hold a frame together. #birdlike #lugs #sandblasted #bicyclebuilding #chapmancycles
Chapman Cycles:
Chapman Cycles:
Playing around with a new fork crown design. Not much to work with on these twin plate crowns. Looks like a little face. #littleface #twinplateforkcrown #forkcrown #softjaws #vartools #chapmancycles
Chapman Cycles:
Fillet brazed quill stem